Phil Anderson
Most of my music is now online at the following links: ​
AI and Music
I'm one of the few people I know with a music background who has embraced artificial intelligence. It is my belief that forward is the only path, and despite the power of AI, it still is only a tool to me.
I have many 100% human produced music ​tracks online to listen to. I also have a handful of tracks that are completely AI generated as well. But it is my staunch belief that a hybrid model integrating elements of both human and AI is where the most innovation and creativity will be in the future. To see a video explaining this hybrid model, watch below.
General Playlist​
On YouTube. Much of my catalog can be heard here.
Night Nurse
Concept album of music using hybrid method (mentioned at the left). This album is very dark, and the subject matter may not be for everyone.
The Nightmare Factory
100% human generated album, of dark minimalist structure and crossover classical instrumentals.
The Appalachian Trail Rangers
Mostly AI produced bluegrass crossover album I created. Very up tempo, and positive.
In the 1990's, I produced a compilation album of old school electronic music called Electronic Dreams, which can be heard here: https://soundcloud.com/e-dreams
You have reached the website of composer and musician Phil Anderson. No matter how you arrived here, it was not by accident. Keep reading.